Ghosts in the machine
Ghosts in the machine
Shorthand stories for Euromoney Thought Leadership Consulting and Baker McKenzie on the subject of artificial intelligence, risks and regulation in financial markets.
Ghosts in the machine: revisited
Following the highly successful 2016 report on the future of artificial intelligence in financial services, Baker McKenzie commissioned Euromoney Thought Leadership Consulting in 2018 to produce an update.
Shorthand story design + build // 2018
While AI’s potential is huge, much of it is as yet unrealised. Many financial institutions have only begun to scratch the surface of AI functionality as adoption proves more complicated and slower than initial forecasts predicted. The opportunities and challenges as we edge closer to an AI-centric world are highlighted in Ghosts in the Machine: Revisited, which analyses the findings of a global survey of 355 senior executives from financial institutions and FinTech companies, as well as from in-depth interviews conducted with leading experts in the field.
Note: Delinian acquired Euromoney Thought Leadership in 2023 so the original published story link no longer works. You can see a preview of the story at the link below.
Ghosts in the machine
Shorthand story design + build // 2016 //
A digital report created for Euromoney Institutional Investor Thought Leadership and commissioned by Baker & McKenzie, examining the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in financial markets. The story features results of a global survey and interviews with experts in AI, the report uncovers how AI could change the nature of risk, regulation and investment across financial markets.
For more details on the brief and the process, read the blog post I wrote on this project.
Note: Delinian acquired Euromoney Thought Leadership in 2023 and unfortunately the original published story link no longer exists.